Tell us a little about yourself, your work and your art practice.
“I started late in life (60) as and artist then doors open were introduced and I haven’t slowed down yet..started with mosaics, then I carved rocks for a while..played with mirror…started fusing glass…but it wasn’t till I was introduced to welding and the pleasure of scrounging for rusty steel ..odd bits of forgotten cuts from welding shops..oh yes..good stuff to be found in bins..that my passion for creating sculpture really took off…I still incorporate mosaics and glass in my pieces…have many public pieces all over the interior bc thanks to Castlegar sculpture walk..I love design..shape and colour…”

What have you been up to these last few months?
“These past two months haven really been any different from any other time..I just keep on keeping on when inspiration hits my..this is most of the time.”
Rabi’a was a featured artist in the 2020 Castlegar Sculpturewalk, an annual, rotating exhibition of sculpture by international artists located in beautiful Castlegar, British Columbia. She also won the People’s Choice Award for her ‘Housing Crisis’ entry in 2019.

Cruising Along – Castlegar Sculpture Walk 2020
Has your practice or work changed at all or been affected, and to what extent, by the pandemic?
Covid hasn’t really affected what I do except my social life is lacking a bit…I keep on making pieces …did a glass mosaic project with Carl’s grandkids yesterday..a fun way to connect and share….the summers mosquito plague is effecting me far more then the virus…thank god I have my river for cooling and sanity and my bike to fly away…all good…