Clay McCann

Clay McCann is a doctoral candidate (ABD) in social anthropology at McMaster University. He earned his anthropology MA conducting fieldwork among marijuana workers in the southern interior of British Columbia (2014), and his creative writing MFA writing about their lives (2017). He studied craft under Tom Wayman at the Kootenay School of the Arts in Nelson, BC, and; anthropological fieldwork under Dr. Naomi McPherson, UBC-Okanagan. Recent work includes: Co-editor and contributor, The High North: Cannabis in Canada (2022 UBC Press); “Kootenay Cannabis: Outlaw Farmers in the High Country,” Exhibition essay; Touchstones Nelson, Museum of Art and History; November 26, 2021 – February 27, 2022. Happy Crappy: the poetry of Clayton McCann (forthcoming). See his complete chapbook collection, as well as audio recordings of live performances, and more at
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